WIP: Illustrative Alphabets + Animation

I hate how I lack in presentation skills, especially when I have to do it when I'm least expecting it (like on Thursday) because my mind goes blank, and I don't really know what to say about my work when I actually spend A LOT of time on the thinking process.


Q: How did you choose your works for the strongest pieces?

A: I just went through my entire portfolio and chose the ones that I thought were the strongest.

....That doesn't answer the question. Am I retarded? I want to shoot myself for all the other stupid responses I made during that presentation, but this one, especially. I wanted to show variety in my work, but also wanted to emphasize in my illustrational skills because I feel like that's my strongest point and what got me into the program (?), so I decided to choose 3 pieces that demonstrated my illustrational side, 1 logo, and 1 that I liked that wasn't illustrational. THAT was what I wanted to say, but failed to do so, clearly.

Plus, I just suck at explaining in general and hate talking in front a group of people, so that just makes it even worse :I Blah, I hope I can improve this lack of self-confidence as well before I graduate. Why the hell am I so pessimistic?

some WIPs of all the projects that's been assigned so far:

Either 2 colors (complete?)

or 3 colors (incomplete)

Color schemes I had in my head. I'm gonna go with the middle one although I do like the right one too.

4310: MAGIC! THE MOUSE TOY'S WHISKERS DISAPPEAR AND APPEAR RANDOMLY. Animation sample (hence the GIF format). I have more drawn out, but this is the only part that I have animated right now. Cat = <3

4100: Nameplate design for my magazine FiberARTS.. I feel like logo/nameplate designs are my weakest point ever D: Ugh...


Contemporary Design Trends

Clean and simple graphics + limited color pallette

...which is exactly the style that I'd like to go for my illustrative alphabet :)

Charley Harper

Adrian Johnson

Darling Clementine

Tad Carpenter

Toshiyuki Fukuda

Norio Kaneko

Dan Stiles

Andrew & Matt McCracken

Blanca Gomez


Illustrative Alphabets - Rough Draft

Still have a lot to work on this, but here's all the letters. I'll be vectorizing/coloring these later.

***Note to self:

> Watch out on weight
> Fix awkward poses
> Add secondary objects in for some of them (worms/twigs/etc)
> Simplify/abstract the form more

Style I'm going for:

Charley Harper
Naive: Modernism and Folklore in Contemporary Graphic Design

Typographic Portrait

Hooray, I'm done. And I like it :D

Typeface used: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN

Thanks to this tutorial omggg