In-progress Decade Poster Design

So Deborah made me draw a random girl that Simmyon pulled up on his computer during class today (technically yesterday), and she's also making me upload this on my blog, so here you go.

ALSO: My poster rough draft for GRD 4250

Why haven't I gone to sleep yet...


Teaser Poster Designs

I didn't know what any of the provided series were about because I don't watch TV, so I just chose to work on The Walking Dead since it didn't have nearly as many seasons out as the other ones and seemed like I could catch up pretty quickly. So that's what I did this weekend. These are the rough poster designs that I came up with:

I guess I should provide some explanation for this one.. I depicted a rubber duck because ducks are often portrayed as shooting targets, and I thought it was interesting that "[i]n the United States military, a rubber duck or 'rubber ducky' refers to a fake training weapon, usually an M16 rifle, used in basic training."* Though in this case, it's not a drill--the main characters are facing "real" dangers, so I decided to zombify the duck in order to address that fact. I was thinking of adding some kind of tagline like "This is not a drill" or something along that line, but it sounded stupid, so I decided against it. I'm never good at coming up with these kind of stuff...

The white one represents Sophia.

*Source: Wikipedia - Rubber duck (military)